Wednesday, August 24, 2011

...your not worth what i am bout to say it fucking goes...

*i lay no claim to this picture*
Sometimes people make hard choices very easy for someone else.. I am happy to say that since you have been outta my life i have had the chance to walk with my head held high.. and a Huge ass smile across my face for i know..I KNOW ... The full Truth about the circumstances and all you can do is run your mouth like a little fuckin stuck on herself wench.. oh wait.. You cant take responceability for fucking up your own children..Oh thats right ITS ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSES FUCKING FALUT.  you play the victum so well.. im sure you believe the stories you create. Storyteller Storyteller telll me another.. seriously hope that people start seeing you for the four faced monster you are.. if it wasnt for me stepping into you life and taking care of you children for the years i did.. 2 things woulda happened. 1, either they would have died.. and you taking ur life along with it... or 2. they woulda been put into fostercare.. and maybe that shoulda been done along time ago..For you did once say "if i had an eraser that came with life i woulda erased my kids"... but Im the monster eh... for i loved your kids unconditonally, i showed them compassion and understanding.. and yelled only when "justified" and i explained why i raised my voice. but you just wanna write a story about how things truely went.. you you you.. But seriously.. i shouldnt even justify myself... go drink another one gingersnapps.. goo pop another diet pill gingersnapp... seriously.. Thanks for proving JUST why after you unblocked me i was sooo pleased with myself and making sure you can never come back into my life.. Thanks for making that Choice for me.. now .. your dead to me... and mourned our friendship along time ago..Simply fuck off.. :-)