Friday, August 12, 2011

"Silence"...~ ...Ive never heard silence quiet this loud...~

When I feel i have said too much.. or not enough.. i tend to play this quiet card.. i take the time to allow the words ive said.. or havent said sink in.. I may have spoken outta turn.. so please forgive me.. i have things that i have to do within myself so my "baggage" isnt turned into something that can be used against me ever again.. I'm spending this time to get to know myself.. and learn the lessons i need to learn. but eventually.. I will beable to look back at this all and say.. wow look at the growth.. I am in a happy place in mylife...I will know my Worth. and i will celebrate in a years time.. and then i will open myself up to find that someone who is my second half.. whom ever it be.. but this is the year for me.. Talking with Supportive people.. and surround myself with understanding and Knowledge to know what will benifit me.. what will do the most good??.. soo.. if i shut down.. if i move away from conversations.. if i have given too much information.. Just bare with me.. and im worthy of this time of healing...if you dont understand then be like everyone else..and simply.. walk away... I am simply who i am.. nothing more nothing less.. take me as i am or keep freakin walking..

(* I lay no claim to this picture..i found it online *)