Wednesday, August 10, 2011

..Just A moment..

I wanna build foundations..of stone... not just sand.. and i first have to build them in me... i have to become my own rocks so when i finally am ready for a relationship.. My issues wont be my down fall..five years is along time to be with someone.. and i let him have the power over my happiness. i got lost.. and when he walked away.. i was completely Broken.. im getting to a place within myself.. that is going to change my belief system.. i just started this Journey..i need to learn that everyone isnt out to hurt me.. when they complement me.. they dont have a motive. to continue to learn that my lifesupport is within me. and at this point of my recovery.. i need to find my inner child and calm the noises of her constant worry that abandenment is going to occur.. that i can be safe again with my own understanding i can walk on my own..The intutition behind me is my guides helping rebuild is diffrent for most. i know i have to do these steps alone.. so..