Friday, October 21, 2011


just finished watching oprah's lifeclass

Taking Responsibility for your own life...

theres places in my life where i have to look at the energy that i projected.. and who i held and made them be people that "saved" me from myself.. but seriously.. im the only one that could save myself it is not up to someone else or something else to do that. I apologized for past mistakes, i can not live in the past nor the future.. i have to continue to live in every moment as it passes me by.. and learn that i can only control my power and my actions. this is my life.. i am the lead role.. i am the purpose and this life is all i have.. so i should make the best of it. for its my duty to live it to the fullest. and take ownership of everything that has happened. my own suicide attempt was not someone elses doing.. it was me who picked up the knife.. it was me that made the choice to drag it across my wrist.. it was also ME that picked up the phone to learn how to be my own life support.. It was me that signed myself in.. and i now look at these scars as learnin tools of what i need to do in this to find my inner peace.. because it starts with me. and my ownership on things. i need to be held responsible for my own actions and i should take ownership in my own mind mess. yes actions of others put me in a frenzy but they were doing what was best for them. and i am understanding that now.