Sunday, October 2, 2011


...i woke up from a dream kinda angerily today.. then my mood switched like it normally does .. into this happy carefree delightful position..found a really good song today.. "the bitch came back- Theory of a Deadman" was great.. then i just had to go into walmart.. i was coming to the line..and saw someone..Syris's Mother.. and my goodness.. Triggered soo hardcore into Anger..that there was no way around it.. i had to release it.. doesnt hurt but i did break skin on my knuckles.. but damn...Why the hell does my spirit giving her soo much power to beable to trigger that emotion.. i dont like it.. not at all. it just seems to be a little fucked up.. i can talk to other people that minds me of their family..freely happily..her.. Just the thought of her makes me angry.. to the point that i just have no choice but to sit in it.. i know it doesnt benifit me in anyway to carrie this with me.. so i really dont know how to release it.. other then either punching something or ... there is no or.. because seriously.. i aint going to doing good..get outta manic...and back to happy..i dunno!!... arghhhhh...